Sunday, February 20, 2011

A friend loves at all times.....

I found this and it was almost like the words were coming straight from my mouth so I had to share...

" C.S. Lewis once said, "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You, too? I thought I was the only one!'" I love this quote. And one thing I've learned as I've grown into adulthood is how much I need and rely on friends. Of course my childhood friends certainly played an important part in my social and emotional development. But until college, I never realized that friends could actually become more like family…and be such an incredible support system in life. 
Today, I have a few girlfriends who are the closest thing I will ever have to sisters. ( however I do have one amazing sister) They know me-the real me. I don't have to pretend around them. They've celebrated my biggest triumphs with me and they've cried with me through my biggest failures. My friends aren't afraid to tell me when I'm acting unreasonable and they will certainly tell me when I look a mess! 
Most importantly, though, my friends challenge me to become a more godly woman. Outside of my immediate family, these women are my biggest supporters in life. When I'm discouraged or heartbroken, they know exactly what to say or do to be an encouragement to me. That may mean letting me blab on about my frustrations over a fattening Mexican dinner or calling me with a Bible verse or a word of encouragement. And other times, it means handing me tissues when all I really needed was a good cry. 
The point is they are there for me. Like the friend mentioned in Proverbs 17:17: "Friends love through all kinds of weather…" (The Message). What a blessing to know that I can count on my friends no matter what else is going on in my life! "

I did not write that but it literally is probably the exact words that I would have written if I had! I have truly been blessed with the most amazing best friends in the word!
 Thank you for being you and putting up with me! I LOVE YOU MUCH, and MORE THAN WORDS!

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