Sunday, February 20, 2011

A friend loves at all times.....

I found this and it was almost like the words were coming straight from my mouth so I had to share...

" C.S. Lewis once said, "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You, too? I thought I was the only one!'" I love this quote. And one thing I've learned as I've grown into adulthood is how much I need and rely on friends. Of course my childhood friends certainly played an important part in my social and emotional development. But until college, I never realized that friends could actually become more like family…and be such an incredible support system in life. 
Today, I have a few girlfriends who are the closest thing I will ever have to sisters. ( however I do have one amazing sister) They know me-the real me. I don't have to pretend around them. They've celebrated my biggest triumphs with me and they've cried with me through my biggest failures. My friends aren't afraid to tell me when I'm acting unreasonable and they will certainly tell me when I look a mess! 
Most importantly, though, my friends challenge me to become a more godly woman. Outside of my immediate family, these women are my biggest supporters in life. When I'm discouraged or heartbroken, they know exactly what to say or do to be an encouragement to me. That may mean letting me blab on about my frustrations over a fattening Mexican dinner or calling me with a Bible verse or a word of encouragement. And other times, it means handing me tissues when all I really needed was a good cry. 
The point is they are there for me. Like the friend mentioned in Proverbs 17:17: "Friends love through all kinds of weather…" (The Message). What a blessing to know that I can count on my friends no matter what else is going on in my life! "

I did not write that but it literally is probably the exact words that I would have written if I had! I have truly been blessed with the most amazing best friends in the word!
 Thank you for being you and putting up with me! I LOVE YOU MUCH, and MORE THAN WORDS!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Small town. Great food. Amazing people,

I spent my weekend in Leroy with these 4 amazing people.
from left to right: Andrew who is my soon to be brother-in-law, My beautiful bride-to-be sister, Kellie, Mrs. Norma and Mr. Mark Blount my sisters soon to be in-laws :)
I was given the chance to go home to Leroy with Andre and Kellie for the weekend. I had an absolutely amazing time getting to get away from Tuscalossa and all the hustle and bustle of this town. Leroy is a very small town where everyone there knows everyone needless to say everywhere we went we saw someone that knew Andrew and if they didn't already know Kellie they knew she was Andrews girlfriend fiance. :) We went to two different local restaurants that are a BIG deal in Leroy one of the most popular was  
Creek Bank. This is a little small country cooking restaurant. I continued to hear Creek Bank this Creek Bank that numerous times while in Leroy and finally I got to go and experience it for myself. Creek Bank is famous for their Hamburgers. If you click hamburgers you can read the article previously written about Creek Bank.
Saturday, my sister, Mrs. Norma and I went to get Kellie registered at some of the cute little boutiques that they have in Jackson which is just down the road from Leroy. This was so much fun getting to pick lots of stuff for other people to buy :) anyways.... while we were out and about Mrs. Norma was showing us around Jackson and took us to what they call "The Rec" if i remember right. It is where the playground is and the big swimming pool and there is a place where people have receptions and that kind of thing. Well the child in my sister and I cam out about the time we pulled around to the side and saw this....
YEAH! We without a doubt had to pull over so that we could slide down. I think my sister and I will always be a child at heart. We continued on after he park to may other cute little stores where I just so happened to purchase these...
I kinda REALLY like them a lot :)

The rest of our weekend consisted of naps on the couch in front of this nice warm fire
that Mr. Mark built for us and lots and lots of visiting and story telling from friends and family.
This was a wonderful weekend for me to just get away and take it easy. To relax and spend time with my sister, her fiance and his family whom I love to dearly.
These two were wonderful host all weekend and made sure that we had everything we needed at every moment of our time spent in there home. They are truly a blessing in my life and I couldn't ask for better in-laws for my sister!

I love more than they both will ever be able to know! I could never ask for a better person for my sister to be with. Never have I seen someone treat my sister the way Andrew does. After many many prayers that the Lord would bless her with the prefect one..... WELL THERE HE IS! There is no one better! Cant wait till May 14th when those doors open and that beautiful bride walks down that isle.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Start of Something New

So I gave in and I have decided that I wanted to start a blog. I have no idea how to do this nor do I know the tricks of the trade. So any and all help is welcome! This is just the start with hopefully lots so follow!
So until I get more help this is all I got...... :)